Responsible for background paint & additional paint assistance, color + value passes only.

curtain & brick close up

wall & bed close up

bed details

tree detail

cloud close up

castle & hill detail
Responsible for background paint assistance on houses only, main scene painted by Olibhear Carrel

Assisted paint section

Full scene
Value and gradient passes based off the color script provided by Jessica McGinnis

Tapestry look development:
We worked as a small team to develop the unique look of the tapestry portion and did many demo tests to try different paint methods until our AD Birgit "Pollo" Uhlig finalized it for this shot, I did clean up help for the tree on the final shot.
We worked as a small team to develop the unique look of the tapestry portion and did many demo tests to try different paint methods until our AD Birgit "Pollo" Uhlig finalized it for this shot, I did clean up help for the tree on the final shot.

Rough sketch over storyboard developing tapestry style

Color / Shape test

Lines by Soojin Paek, Color test 1 by Micah Bianco

Color Test Version 2 after notes from Birgit "Pollo" Uhlig
Legend of Pipi (Tapestry Opening)